Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DAY FIFTEEN - I Have A Dream

Alt Title: Monday Funday!

Day Fifteen. Woooo Hoooo! The halfway point is now officially in our rearview mirror.

Am I excited?  Yes.

Are we winning? YES.

Do my evil jeans fit yet? NO!  $%^&*!!!

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, my husband had the day off yesterday.  It wouldn’t be hard for me to write a blog (or several for that matter) about what an amazing man MLK was, but you’re not here for that. You’re here for the documentation of my barre3, 28 to Great, journey.  You’re also here because much like MLK, you believe in change.  Yeah, I went there. 

So the Warden wanted to go out for brunch (just kidding baby!). At first I was nervous about this, because for me, brunch usually means mimosas and pancakes and syrup and hopefully some hash browns with a few sides of bacon. This could be debaucherous like Temptation Island, but with food... and besides, it just didn’t seem right to make everyone stay home because I was doing 28 to Great.

Scotty’s is a great hole-in-the-wall kind of place, with a killer, front row view of the ocean.  Good Sadie did not disappoint either... she was right there on my shoulder pointing out the really good options on the menu. I ended up ordering a chorizo omelet with fruit on the side and a huge glass of water with lots of lemon. And even though I took HUGE, intoxicating whiffs of the girl’s pancakes, I remained strong and didn’t sneak and bites.  I felt happy with my choices and proud to pass another milestone. I also proved to myself that the things I’m learning can go way past day 28.  This pleases me.

When we returned home, I did the 40-minute ballet sculpt with Candace. It was a good one. A real heart pumper, if you will (and, I know you will).  I’m finding it to be really amazing that even after just two weeks, I really am getting better at making it through the workout and my confidence keeps growing!

Later in the afternoon we decided to take a drive to the gorgeous cliffs of Palos Verdes. We parked at a golf course and then hiked down to the rocky beach below. I really love the part of the 28toGreat challenge that requires me to exercise outside a few times a week. It really makes a difference on how I feel.  Vivi and I climbed around looking for starfish and hermit crabs as Keith taught Ava how to skip rocks.  

Violet decided to make sand angels:

After the sun set we hiked back up and decided since my husband will be working on Ava’s Birthday, we would celebrate early by taking her to a fancy dinner at a nearby restaurant.

At the very beginning of the challenge, Sadie and Andrea had a Q&A on Facebook. It was funny because EVERYONE asked about wine and Andrea said: “If you do decide to go for a glass, save it for the special occasions and make sure you have some good food in you before you even take a sip. This will help your blood sugar and really, ultimately, get you better results during the challenge!”  

Well, if this wasn’t a special occasion then I don’t know what is!  I glanced over on my shoulder and good Sadie was giving me the thumbs up (or at least I’m hoping it was the thumb).  Here’s the funny thing that really isn’t all that funny... we were having steak so we asked our server to recommend a wine. Keith usually lets me choose for both of us, but when the server brought three different glasses to the table, I tried all of them and I didn’t like ANY of them. What the heck?  Who knew I would lose my taste in two weeks? EEEEEEEEK.

Oh don’t you worry, I still drank it, but it still got me thinking...

I wish I could tell you that wine was my only cheat, but I also had some mozzarella on a caprese salad and of course DESSERT (yeah, uppercase). It was all very good, but it didn’t make me want to give up the challenge. It actually made me really see how much better I feel eating whole foods and drinking more water.

So tomorrow. I am back. Like BACK back. Even though I never left, because I don’t see today as a failure, only a mini-victory, because I’m still going forward!

I’m ready for this week. Bring Tuesday ON!




  1. I had a lot of special occasions over the weekend that needed wine too. First there was Friday night, then Saturday night, then Sunday afternoon. Ahhh - I think Sadie will forgive me. But I must say, I only had 1 or 2 glasses in social company, instead of matching my friends glass for glass. I switched to tea or water so I could continue to raise a glass. Pre-Sadie's influence on my life this would be un-heard of, so I'm pretty proud of myself.
    Thanks for your continued blog! I read it every day.
    - Stefanie

  2. Loving the posts, Missy! I didn't know you were local to me. I'm born and raised PV but now living down in the city. I lived in Seattle for 6 years so got hooked on Barre3. Thank goodness for the videos!! It's so nice to know you're a fellow SoCal churning through Barre 3 nearby!

  3. It was my birthday and let me tell you, it felt more like a birthweekend than a birthday. That is all I'll say about it. Back on track, though I've cheated more than you. But this post makes me feel better, and inspired :) Still need to post more recipes, just haven't cooked much this weekend. Will email some to you asap.

  4. does this mean we are halfway to the end of your blogging??? if so I am heading back for another glass of wine. your blog has been a highlight for me! keep it up!!!!
