Friday, January 11, 2013

DAY FIVE - The Oscars

Alternate Title: Animal House

So there I was at a fabulous Oscar Party, wearing a sassy little black dress I hadn't fit into since I was in my twenties. Bradley Cooper walks by giving me an appreciative glance. My husband squeezes my hand proudly. I definitely have the "glow".  A dapper waiter comes by with a tray and hands me a a 32 oz. crystal stem of sparkly champagne, and then another with a big tray of, well, I don't remember what it was, but it I'm pretty sure it had most, if not all of the "foods to forsake" on Sadie's list.

I glanced furtively around, oh what the heck... I was well into my fourth forsaken appetizer when out of nowhere, Sadie and Candace appeared right in front of me.  Boy did they look horrified. 

Candace: Missy!

I try to put my arms behind me. It's awkward.

Me: Uh... Hey guys.

Both Sadie and Candace looked at me - their disappointment was palpable.

Candace: You've only made it through FOUR days!

Me: No, NO! This isn't what it looks like. I was only chewing it to see what it would taste like.

Sadie: (disappointed) I even thought we were going to be besties.

They turned and left without a word. I looked around frantically, trying to find a place to put my glass so I could run after them, when suddenly the fire alarm sang. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

UGH. I rolled over and shut my alarm clock off.  Welcome to day five.

You're probably wondering why today's post is so early. Well let me tell you, this is going to need to be the new world order. At least in my world anyway. Because the last three nights I have been staying up long past midnight trying to keep up with this - and then getting up at 6am. It's not working for anyone, especially the part of my brain that requires sleep.

Christy and I decided that since we don't have a Barre3 near us (hint hint), we would meet at her house to do today's assignment together. This would give us the sense of being in an actual class and in turn, hopefully motivate us (meaning me) to not waste valuable parts of the workout by either dramatically collapsing on my mat whimpering, or taking too many water breaks. It's all about accountability people. 

We moved her coffee table, rolled out our mats and we were ready to go!  Today was Ballet Bootcamp with Candace. This was actually the first Barre3 "online" class I had ever done and I can say for fact that it's definitely one of my favorites (so far), and this is even going on about 4 hours of sleep!

Overall, the work out went pretty well, I mean if you don't count Violet and Chloe (Christy's darling 3-year old) coming every few minutes to either try and start a conversation with us, or to burrow through our open legs like a jungle gym.  We paused the video and got them set with some toys and tried again, kind of figuring the extra effort would add to our overall calorie loss.

Then came the floor work - and their dog, Milo, found this to be very exciting. He was wagging his tail and encouragingly trying to lick us in the face. Christy quickly grabbed him and set him in a chair to the right of us. Unfortunately, this did not dampen his excitement, because suddenly an appalled look washed across Christy's face.

"MILO! EW! GROSS! Put your "lipstick" away!"  Christy apologized explaining it only happens on rare occasions. Like when he gets a little too excited. Even though we can't see the results yet, clearly Milo can!

We laughed for the next five minutes, which Sadie totally counts as core work so we gave ourselves a few extra brownie points.  Yes, points, and not actually brownies.

As far as the food situation goes, I had coffee before meeting Christy, but afterwards got a call that my car was ready to pick up from the shop.  Once again,  my scheduling went all to heck and so I didn't eat until around 1pm. This is another thing I have to fix, because hungry me, is crabby me.

1pm meal:

It's basically everything left over from last night, except I didn't even steam the veggies. I just ate them raw. It's really crazy to me how much I am loving vegetables since starting this. I am normally a pizza devouring, french-bread loving, mashed potato eating fiend.  It shocks me how good I feel eating like this and I even ate it over two hours ago and I still don't feel hungry.

I think I have to close for today. I'm starting to fall asleep, but I'll try my best to be early again tomorrow.

If any of you have any additional menu items you've come up with, I'd love to hear them... after all, variety is the spice of life.  Is it not?

Hello?  Is this thing on?



P.S. For those of you who have tried to comment and couldn't . I think I fixed the issue. Sorry! I'm new at this.


  1. You are so good at this! And so funny! I'm planning on coming up with new recipes that are approved and blessed by Sadie. Ideas brewing in my mind, I will probably write a blurb on my blog and a couple of recipes. Just waiting for my packet to arrive so I can be sure that I am not including any forsaken ingredients in my recipes and then telling everyone it's OK. Sadie would definitely be mad at me more for doing that, than at you for eating forsaken appetizers!

  2. We are so entertained here at the barre3 home office. Belly laughing about your "lipstick" experience. I am kind of obsessed with your blog at this point so DO NOT stop 28 to Greating!

  3. I laughed at the picture of Candace lecturing anyone - it's so hard to picture! I am loving this blog.

  4. And I laughed at the kids interrupting your work-out...because my oldest used to do that all the time and I so remember that...and it's funny now because it's not me...and, of course, you are quite funny. :-)

  5. Hi Missy,

    My mom & I are just started the 28 to Great Challenge on Monday. I saw your blog on the Barre3 website yesterday. So I read through day 5 which is where I am now. I am loving this blog. It will help motivate me as I go through my journey. It is killing me, but I won't read ahead, I want to go through it "with you". Thanks for writing this blog, it is hillarious and inspiring!!!

    1. That is soooo cool. You're gonna love it. (well maybe not every single minute). But it is so worth it.
